Saturday, September 11, 2010

This is not Disneyworld...

But the field trip we went on kind of felt like it. Yesterday we spent the day driving around Lake Manyara national park. It was amaaaazing. I saw: yellow-billed storks, blue monkeys, olive baboons, impalas, maasai giraffes, southern ground hornbills, vervet monkeys, great white pelicans, palm-nut vultures, hippopotamus, blue wildebeest, common zebras, warthogs, buffalo, close to thirty elephants, rock hyraxes, banded mongoose, ostrich, dikdiks, flamingoes, collared sunbird, and a bushbuck, to name a few. I was amazed at how much wildlife there was. The park was dense with it! I couldn't grasp how they could all possibly live and thrive without destroying the park. It kind of makes me wonder how much biodiversity could be going on in America without humans. We are definitely the most invasive species there is. Vines and beetles wipe out trees, invasive fish wipe out other fish, we wipe out everything. It's kind of unfortunate that it has to be that way.
Anyway, that safari was a lot of fun. Today is Sunday and we have a day off. A group is going into Karatu to explore the town for a while, but I think I may stay back. We haven't had much time to just chill, and I could go for some relaxation, though I do really want to see Karatu, which will be the biggest town we go into yet.
The past few days have been spent with a ton of class time, frisbee, and volleyball. I've definitely been getting some good exercise. Also we have a ton of reading we have to do, and not much time to do it. I'd like to do some work on that today as well.
Also, I've decided not to get a phone for the moment. Some people have gotten cellphones and simcards, but I'm going to see how it works out without one. E-mail and internet works fine for now.
Until next time!


  1. Inspiring,Devin. Thanks for telling us about all the animals you saw. How thrilling that must have been! Hope you have a relaxing day. Taking time to recharge is important. Sending loving thoughts your way! TTFN!

    Love, Mom

  2. Hi Dev,
    Great post! You write beautifully about your amazing adventure. I hope this comment posts to your blog. I'm trying IE and not Firefox. I couldn't get it to work on Firefox. Some anti-cookie thing going on. Anyway, I hope this works. I sent you some emails. Hope you got them. I am so happy you are in Africa. Keep your soul open to that wonderful place!
    Love you! -Dad

  3. We're thinking of you out here in Wyoming as well Devin!
